Have you given up on New Year’s resolutions? If so, you’re not alone. Researchers at the University of Scranton claim that 38% of Americans “absolutely never make New Year’s Resolutions” anymore. Why? Well maybe it’s because they think they won’t make their goals so why should they even try. But the same researchers found that people who specifically identify an achievement and resolve to meet it “are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.”
So today, get together with your spouse, identify your goals for your marriage this year, and then resolve to fiercely pursue those goals.
1. Go to Bed Together
It’s very common for marriages to involve two people with vastly different sleeping patterns. A night owl marries a morning person. And even when the patterns are similar, busy schedules can still lead to the “two ships passing in the night” type of habit.
Resolve to go to bed together. This will encourage intimacy (physical and relational) as the bedroom provides the quietest moments (before the snoring, anyway) for the two of you to catch up.
2. Ask Your Spouse, “How Can I Show that I Love You Today?”
You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll learn about your spouse by their answer to this question. And your spouse may be amazed that you asked!
3. Do a Weekly or Biweekly Date Night
When our kids were young, Susan and I found it challenging to have a date night every week, so we made it every other week. Whatever your schedule looks like, the point is to make sure you have this time together.
Time together for just the two of you is important in every season of marriage. It doesn’t have to be a big fancy thing, just grab a bite, do something relaxing or fun, and don’t assume that it has to be expensive.
And remember this important rule for your dates. No talking about issues in your marriage or with children, or finances or business matters. Instead, talk about ideas, dreams, and blessings.
4. Go for a Walk Together
Susan and I enjoy talking our dogs for a walk around the neighborhood. We’ve found it a great way to unwind. Aim for three times a week. Strengthen your marriage while you strengthen your health.
5. Find a Creative Way to Flirt Each Week
Here’s an idea. Keep a Post-It notepad and pen in drawer in your bathroom. At least once a week, leave a little note on the mirror that starts with, “One of the things I love most about you is…” Here are some more creative ways to flirt with your spouse.
6. Find a Hobby that Becomes “Your Thing” Together
Whether it’s learning how to dance, playing tennis, or enjoying local flea markets, find something that you’ll both enjoy and make a commitment together to do that something on a regular basis.
7. Pray Together
You’ve probably heard it said, “The family that prays together, stays together.” Praying with your spouse will draw you into closer fellowship with God and with one another. Susan and I have found that our time praying together for each other, our children, our friends, for wisdom, and for so many other things has been a great blessing to us and to our marriage.