An Elm Creek Park Improvements citizen input meeting was held Monday evening at Baptist Village of Owasso Chapel . The purpose of the meeting was to hear citizen input and share concepts on the upcoming Elm Creek Park improvements.
Neighbors and citizens with ideas on what improvements are needed and wanted, were asked to give insight on the quality of life enhancements to the almost 22 acre park .
Kevin Vanover, of Impact Engineering led the meeting, reviewing as well as showing slides of ideas previously gathered from citizens through the City of Owasso Quality of Life project questionnaire. Information was put before the crowd on what they were looking for before the floor was opened to the 40 or so residents in attendance. The city is trying to lay a roadmap for projects to complete as funds become available.

Previous ideas for area parks and improvement suggestions were reviewed. Those included:
- Making Elm Creek a destination park for the citizens of Owasso.
- Erosion issues to be the first issue to be addressed
- Gravel walking trails to be replaces and expanded with paved trails
- Lights along the trails and in the park.
- Give the channels and pond a ‘”natural theme” appearance.
Possible additions: (not all, but selected)
- Splash Pad
- Toddler Park in addition to a playground for older children, with viewing areas for parents. ‘
- Creative play areas
- Bridge over pond and channels.
- Waterfalls
- Fountains
- Exercise stations along the trail(s)
- Remodeled and additional Pavilions
- Basket Ball Court
- Improved Tennis Court
- Volleyball court
- Dog Park
- Additional parking
- Animal habitats such as for butterflies or bats
- Improved and or additional restrooms
- Shoreline improvements that include a walking area around the pond
- Fishing dock areas
- Addition of benches, tables and pavilion
Not all of the above amenities are or will be intended for Elm Creek. Ideas are to spread features at the four Owasso public parks. Plans want the improvements of Elm Creek to have natural aesthetics, and be the “Crown Jewel” of parks in the city…..something the neighborhood would be proud of.
Concerns and questions from citizens included outlet of water, vandalism, pond water improvement, over population of water foul and how it would be funded, fearing it would be a bond issue. This project is a map for improvements “as funds are available.”
Larry Langford , Director of Recreation and Culture stated that parks are the least funded by the city, currently with only two people maintaining them.
There was a “not in my neighborhood” comment when a dog park area was discussed. An additional parking lot on the east side of the park also had the neighbors objecting.
Citizens were encouraged to add their ideas to boards provided at the front of the room when the meeting was over. Additional community input meetings will be help, at a yet undetermined date.
You can keep up with meeting dates and project ideas at