The Owasso Community Garden located on the south side of the Community Center is a place literally where not only gardens grow but a sense of community flourishes. Inch by inch, row by row, community gardeners will develop their green thumbs and their relationships with one another again this Spring and Summer as they strive toward their goal of fresh, healthy produce.
The Community Garden was founded in the Spring of 2011 by individuals from churches, organizations and area families with a vision to provide food for people who were food insecure. Other goals were to create a sense of community and to teach people to grow food so that they in turn are able to teach others.
The Community Garden now consists of 27 – 4 x 8 raised bed gardens including 9 American Disabilities Act beds that has already been assigned. Families in the community who are interested in participating in the community garden may contact the Community Center at 301 South Cedar where they can visit the garden and complete their paperwork. There are several beds available. Interested gardeners complete a garden application for a $1 fee. Once your garden is assigned to you, you pay $5 to cover the $6 per year gardening fee. Gardeners also agree to pay water usage fees shared equally among the gardeners if that becomes necessary.
Work days for gardeners and volunteers are scheduled throughout the growing season to prepare the beds with fresh soil and plantings for warm weather crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, okra, eggplants etc. Gardeners are expected to participate in the garden’s maintenance throughout the season.
To learn more about the garden and any activities check out Owasso Community Garden on Facebook.