Turn Owasso Pink will have a recruitment and planning meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the Owasso Library.
The purpose of this meeting is to expand the efforts of Turn Owasso Pink, a chapter of Turn Tulsa Pink. Plans are underway for several events to help cancer fighters and families within our community network with the 10 Local Cancer Charities that help those in NE Oklahoma affected by any kind of cancer.
The mission of Turn Tulsa Pink is to bring to light the local grassroots charities that provide services and support to all people affected by cancer in our communities. We Believe Charity Begins at Home.
Turn Tulsa Pink is a focused act of kindness and love for all people in our community battling any type of cancer.
Turn Tulsa Pink Director, Judi Grove states, “So many people are affected in Oklahoma by cancer – many different forms of cancer and the mission of Turn Tulsa Pink and the many chapters now growing around and outside of Tulsa County is an effort to honor and support all people in our communities who have experienced any form of cancer. Our efforts to help financially support the grassroots charities who provide services to fighters, as well as being able to help individual families fighting cancer in a number of ways.”
Owasso has many giving, caring people who have been personally touched by cancer, or know someone they love who has been affected. This meeting is an opportunity for more people to learn about the Turn Owasso Pink chapter, meet the director of Turn Tulsa Pink, Judi Grove, and become part of the committee that will make a difference in Owasso.
For information: Contact Judi Hyde, Chair of Turn Owasso Pink, by emailing jahydeo2@gmail.com. Information can also be found
on the Turn Tulsa Pink WEBSITE.