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10/28/2018 – It’s time for the 3rd annual Owasso Booster tennis tournament, Saturday, November 3rd. 

This year it’s DOUBLES DAY. Find a partner and sign up to play! They encourage all Owasso school players and tennis players in the community to sign up.

Click this link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe394a_GMUixkXzR0NwgaDzhd6hmEynMG6XAp2OV9Gv6-t7lQ/viewform

Draws will be posted at www.owassotennis.com by 7:00 p.m. on November 1, 2018.

When you arrive for your first match, you can pay cash or you can write a check payable to Owasso Tennis Booster Club.

The cost for the tournament is $30 per Doubles team.

Please arrive for your scheduled match at least 15 minutes prior to the start time.

When your payment is made, make Checks Payable to the: Owasso Tennis Booster Club

You can pay when you check in for your first match or you can mail a check to:

Owasso Tennis Booster Club
P.O.Box 1554
Owasso, OK 74055

Thank you for supporting Owasso Tennis.