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The Collinsville Chamber of Commerce
invites you to their annual
Awards Banquet
01/02/2019 – The annual banquet will take place February 2nd at 6:00 pm at the First Baptist Church,1301 W Main Street in Collinsville.
Tickets are $35 per person or $250 for a reserved table for eight. This event is open to the public. You do not have to be a Chamber member to attend. 
The evening will consist of dinner, a silent auction, and a celebration of our members and our community. They will be celebrating all things Collinsville as they recognize their outgoing Board President and avid Collinsville Cardinal supporter, Ron Evans. The guest speaker will be Lance West, superintendent of Collinsville Public Schools.
To purchase tickets or for more information:
Megan Edwards
Chamber Manager
(918) 371-4703