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HANDLED 03/01/2022 0122
Location:8700 Blk N 97 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Disturbance Loud Noise
Loud Music Coming from Vehicle

HANDLED 03/01/2022 0242
Location:13600 Blk E 103 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Officer Initiated

HANDLED 03/01/2022 0635
Location:7600 Blk Us 169
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Abandoned vehicle on side of roadway

HANDLED 03/01/2022 0744
Location:9800 Blk N 100 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Check on white suv that is broken down

HANDLED 03/01/2022 0934
Location:100 Bllk N Main st
Nature Of Complaint:Vandal Report All
Furniture vandalized at residence

HANDLED 03/01/2022 1315
Location:8200 Blk N 120 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Open Door
Open door on residence

HANDLED 03/01/2022 1422
Location:7700 Blk N Owasso Expy
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/Roadrage
White jeep driving reckless

HANDLED 03/01/2022 1559
Location:1200 blk E 88 PL N
Nature Of Complaint:Theft Report Auto Theft
Trailer taken from residence

HANDLED 03/01/2022 1603
Location:100 blk N Main St
Nature Of Complaint:Missing Person all except runaway
Adult family member missing

Info 03/01/2022 1659
Location:9800 blk N 100 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Welfare Check All
Check on male at residence

Report 03/01/2022 1835
Location:600 blk N Cedar St
Nature Of Complaint:Assault report All But Domestic
Male assaulted by another male

HANDLED 03/01/2022 1906
Location:8600 Blk Us 169
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/Roadrage
Blue ford unable to maintain lane



HANDLED 03/01/2022 1940
Location:11500 blk N 137 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Drugs In Progress selling/Use
People in vehicle snorting something

No Haul 03/01/2022 2037
Location:11600 Blk E 76 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Welfare Check All
Check on female at business

HANDLED 03/01/2022 2132
Location:11900 Blk E 105 Pl N
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic in Progress Verbal
Family members arguing

HANDLED 03/01/2022 2310
Location:13900 Blk E 86 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Disturbance Loud Noise
Kids being loud in Parking lot

Info 03/01/2022 2333
Location:10500 Blk N 110 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Animal Control animal Bite
Man bit by dog