The texture of my hair has changed drastically in the past several years. I’m a 40-year- old female and used to have very silky hair, but it has become wirey and dull. My stylist suggested it could be due to a hormone imbalance and an indication of early menopause. Is it true that a hormone imbalance could cause this? If so, is there anything I can do?
A hormone imbalance and menopause can cause changes in the consistency of your hair, but there are many other possibilities, as well. It could be caused by something as simple as over-processing from your stylist or the hair care products you use at home to something as serious and complex as thyroid disease. Because of the wide array of possibilities, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with your doctor to allow him/her evaluate the situation.
Dr. Nicole Chainakul, OB/Gyn
Dr. Aldon Corle, Jr., MD, OB/Gyn
Dr. Stephanie Hall, OB/Gyn
Utica Park Clinic – Owasso
10512 N. 110th East Ave., Suite 200
Owasso, OK 74055