Arcadia: March 27. Elevation above normal, water 49 and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/ARCA.lakepage.html. Crappie fair on hair jigs, jigs, minnows and PowerBait along brush structure, dam, docks and standing timber. Largemouth bass good on hair jigs, jigs, lipless baits, plastic baits and tube jigs along brush structure, docks, riprap, rocks, shallows and standing timber. Report submitted by Dylan King, game warden stationed in Oklahoma County.
Draper: March 27. Elevation below normal, water stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site_no=07229445. Crappie fair on jigs along brush structure, docks and standing timber. Channel and blue catfish fair on cut bait along flats and inlet. White bass fair on small lures along inlet. Report submitted by Chad Strang, game warden stationed in Cleveland County.
Hefner: March 26. Elevation below normal, water 50 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ok/nwis/uv?site_no=07159550. Walleye good on spinnerbaits and worms along dam, riprap, and Walleye night fishing is good. Crappie good on jigs, minnows and tube jigs along brush structure, docks and shallows. Largemouth bass good on plastic baits around shorelines and weed beds. Report submitted by Tim Campbell, game warden stationed in Oklahoma County.
Overholser: March 29. Elevation normal, water 50 and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?07240500. Striped bass hybrids fair on crankbaits, jigs and sassy shad in the main lake and along shorelines. Crappie fair on hair jigs and jigs along the dam. White bass fair on in-line spinnerbaits around points and shorelines. Report submitted by Mark Murray, game warden stationed in Oklahoma County.
Thunderbird: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 49 and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/THUN.lakepage.html. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits and plastic baits along brush structure and points. Crappie slow on jigs and minnows along brush structure and docks. Channel catfish good on cut bait along dam and main lake. Report submitted by Zach Paulk, game warden stationed in Cleveland County.
Wes Watkins: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 50 and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ok/nwis/uv/?site_no=07241588&PARAmeter_cd=00065,00060. Crappie fair on minnows and tube jigs along dam and draw down tower. Fishing about 10-12 feet deep in water 25 feet deep. Report submitted by Mike France, game warden stationed in Pottawatomie County.
Bell Cow: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 58 and murky. Largemouth bass good on crankbaits, jigs, plastic baits and spinnerbaits along brush structure, riprap and standing timber. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along brush structure and docks. Channel catfish fair on stinkbait, sunfish and worms along brush structure, shorelines and standing timber. Report submitted by Jacob Harriet, game warden stationed in Lincoln County.
Birch: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 50s. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/BIRC.lakepage.html. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along brush structure, creek channels and standing timber. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits, plastic baits and spinnerbaits along creek channels and points. Report submitted by Jeremy Bersche, game warden stationed in Osage County.
Carl Blackwell: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 52-55 and murky to cloudy. Water clarity has been changing because of wind. Fishing has been irregular due to weather. Crappie slow on hair jigs, jigs, minnows and tube jigs along brush structure, docks and riprap. Channel and blue catfish slow on cut bait and worms along main lake and points. White and striped bass hybrids slow on jigs, live bait, sassy shad and tube jigs along points, riprap and shorelines. Striped bass hybrids are being caught along the windy shorelines on plastic baits jigs either dark gray or chartreuse in color. Largemouth bass slow on crankbaits along main lake. Report submitted by Vince Mesis, game warden stationed in Logan County.
Chandler: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 58 and murky. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along dam, docks and shorelines. Channel catfish fair on dough bait and worms along brush structure and shorelines. Largemouth bass good on spinnerbaits along dam. Report submitted by Jacob Harriet, game warden stationed in Lincoln County.
Copan: March 27. Elevation normal, water 50s and clearing. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/CPLO2.current.html. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits, in-line spinnerbait, jerk bait and plastic baits along points and shorelines. White bass and crappie slow on hair jigs, minnows and tube jigs along brush structure, docks and shorelines. Blue, channel and flathead catfish fair on cut bait, goldfish, live bait, live shad, shad and worms along channels, river channels and shorelines. Report submitted by Lt. Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Washington County.
Eucha: March 27. Elevation above normal, water 50s and muddy. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?07191285. Largemouth bass good on Alabama rigs, crankbaits and plastic baits along brush structure, docks, rocks and shorelines. Channel catfish fair on cut bait, hot dogs and punch bait along dam, main lake and shorelines. Crappie fair on hair jigs, jigs and minnows along dam, brush structure, docks and shorelines. Gigging activity is increasing. Sucker fish can be found in good numbers on the flats and up Spavinaw Creek. Report submitted by Riley Willman, game warden stationed in Delaware County.
Ft. Gibson: March 28. Elevation above normal, water 50s and less than 1 foot visibility. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/FGIB.lakepage.html. Largemouth bass good on jerk bait, jigs and spinnerbaits along brush structure, docks and rocks. Crappie fair on jigs along brush structure, creek channels and main lake. White bass fair on jigs, minnows and slabs along creek channels and river channels. Spring spawns are beginning for white bass and paddlefish. Conditions could be improving daily. Report submitted by Ben Haff, game warden stationed in Wagoner County.
Grand: March 27. Elevation above normal, water 50s and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/PENS.lakepage.html.
Largemouth bass good on crankbaits and plastic baits along brush structure, docks, points, rocks and shorelines. Blue catfish fair on cut bait, live bait and shad along the dam, docks, main lake, river channel and shorelines. Crappie good on hair jigs and jigs along dam, brush structure and docks. Paddlefish activity is increasing in the Neosho River. Report submitted by Riley Willman, game warden stationed in Delaware County.
Greenleaf: March 28. Elevation normal, water 50s. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, crankbaits, flukes, lipless baits, minnows, plastic baits and worms along brush structure, coves, docks, shallows and shorelines. Crappie fair on grubs, hair jigs, in-line spinnerbait, minnows, small lures and worms along brush structure, docks and shallows. Blue and channel catfish slow on chicken liver, cut bait, minnows, shad, shrimp and worms along coves, docks and shorelines. Report submitted by Dylan Langford, game warden stationed in Muskogee County.
Hudson: March 27. Elevation normal, water 50 and clearing. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/HUDS.lakepage.html. Largemouth and spotted bass fair on Alabama rigs, plastic baits and spinnerbaits along brush structure and coves. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along brush structure and coves. White bass fair on jigs and minnows along creek channels. Report submitted by Monte Reid, game warden stationed in Mayes County.
Hulah: March 27. Elevation above normal, water 60s and clearing. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/HULA.lakepage.html. Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on cut bait, live bait, live shad, shad and worms along channels and river channels. Crappie and white bass slow on hair jigs, minnows, small lures and tube jigs along brush structure, docks and shorelines. Largemouth bass slow on bill baits, crankbaits, in-line spinnerbait and jerk bait along points, shorelines and standing timber. Report submitted by Lt. Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Osage County.
Kaw: March 28. Elevation 3 ft. above normal, water 50s and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/KAWL.lakepage.html. White, striped bass hybrids and crappie good on hair jigs, in-line spinner bait, jerk bait, jigs, minnows, sassy shad, small lures and tube jigs along creek channels and river channels. Blue and channel catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, goldfish, live shad, punch bait, stinkbait, sunfish and worms along river channel, river mouth, shallows and shorelines. Paddlefish excellent on snagging along the dam and river channel. Report submitted by Spencer Grace, game warden stationed in Kay County.
Keystone: March 29. Elevation above normal, water 45 and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/KEYS.lakepage.html. Largemouth bass slow on jigs around brush structure, rocks and standing timber. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around brush structure and docks. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait and hot dogs along channels, main lake and river channel. Report submitted by Bradley Magby, game warden stationed in Creek County.
Lower Illinois: March 25. Elevation above average, water 47. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?site_no=07198000. Rainbow trout fair on in-line spinnerbait, midges, nymphs and PowerBait along the dam and Watts area. Currently releasing 3800 cfs around the clock from the dam due to recent rainfall. Report submitted by Brek Henry, game warden stationed in Sequoyah County.
Oologah: March 27. Elevation above normal, water mid 50s and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/OOLO2.current.html. Blue catfish good on live shad along the dam and rocks. Paddlefish excellent on snagging below the dam. Crappie good on jigs and minnows along coves, rocks and standing timber. Report submitted by J.D. Stauffer, game warden stationed in Rogers County.
Perry CCC: March 27. Elevation normal, water 49 and murky. Rainbow trout excellent on dough bait, in-line spinnerbait, PowerBait, spoons and worms along coves, dam and flats. Report submitted by Stephen Paul, game warden stationed in Noble County.
Skiatook: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 50s and muddy. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/skia.lakepage.html. Largemouth, spotted and smallmouth bass fair on crankbaits and flukes along main lake and points. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along brush structure, creek channels and 5 to 15 feet deep. Report submitted by Paul Welch, game warden stationed in Osage County.
Sooner: March 27. Elevation below normal, water high 40s and murky. Channel and blue catfish fair on cut bait and stinkbait along discharge, main lake and riprap. Largemouth bass slow on jerk bait and plastic baits along rocks and weed beds. Striped bass hybrids and saugeye slow on jigs, live bait and live shad along discharge and main lake. Report submitted by Stephen Paul, game warden stationed in Noble County.
Spavinaw: March 27. Elevation normal, water 50 and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?07191300. Crappie excellent on jigs and minnows along brush structure and docks. Largemouth and smallmouth bass fair on Alabama rig, crankbaits and jerk bait along docks and main lake. Channel catfish fair on cut bait and shad along channels. Report submitted by Kody Moore, game warden stationed in Mayes County.
Tenkiller: March 27. Elevation above normal, water 51 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/TENK.lakepage.html. White bass good on hair jigs, small lures and tube jigs along channels, creek channels, flats, main lake, river channels and river mouth. Crappie fair on hair jigs, minnows and tube jigs along brush structure and docks. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass fair on Alabama rig, crankbaits, jigs and plastic baits along brush structure, points and shorelines. Report submitted by Cody Youngblood, game warden stationed in Cherokee County.
Webbers Falls: March 28. Elevation below normal, water 50s and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/WFLO2.current.html. Paddlefish fair on snagging along river channel and river mouth. Crappie fair on grubs, hair jigs, jigs, minnows and small lures along brush structure, coves and shorelines. Blue and flathead catfish fair on chicken liver, cut bait, shad, shrimp and worms along the dam, river channel, river mouth and shorelines. Report submitted by Dylan Langford, game warden stationed in Muskogee County.
Canton: March 26. Elevation above normal, water 40s. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/CANT.lakepage.html. Walleye good on jigs along dam and rocks. Report submitted by Brayden Hicks, game warden stationed in Blaine County.
Foss: March 29. Elevation 3 1/2 ft. below normal, water 50s and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/FOSS.lakepage.html. Striped bass hybrids fair on live bait in the main lake. Walleye fair to good on worms along the dam. Crappie slow to fair on small jigs around the marina. Catfish good on live bait and stinkbait along the north side of the lake. Report submitted by Eric Puyear, B & K Bait House.
Ft. Supply: March 26. Elevation above normal, water 44. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/FSUP.lakepage.html. Walleye and crappie slow on minnows and plastic baits along dam and main lake. Report submitted by Jason Badley, game warden stationed in Haskell County.
Arbuckle: March 29. Elevation 2 ft. below normal, water 58 and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/ARBU.lakepage.html. Crappie slow off docks. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, crankbaits and jerk baits. Some nice bass being caught, nice stringers are hard to come by. Fishing is fair. Report submitted by Jack Melton.
Blue River: March 29. Elevation below normal, water 43 and slightly stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ok/nwis/uv?site_no=07332390. Rainbow trout good on in-line spinnerbaits, midges, nymphs, PowerBait, spoons and worms along channels and rocks. Report submitted by Ethan Lovelace, fisheries technician at Blue River Public Hunting and Fishing Area.
Broken Bow: March 29. Elevation above normal, water 55. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/BROK.lakepage.html. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass good on buzz baits, flukes and crankbaits around brush structure, channels and points. White bass good on grubs and in-line spinnerbaits along channels, creek channels and river channel. Report submitted by Dru Polk, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
Eufaula: March 25. Elevation normal, water 52 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/EUFA.lakepage.html. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass fair on buzz baits, crankbaits, jerk bait, lipless baits and plastic baits along brush structure, docks, points and riprap. Blue, channel and flathead catfish fair on cut bait, goldfish, hot dogs, live bait, live shad and shrimp along channels, main lake, river channel and river mouth. Crappie good on hair jigs, minnows, PowerBait and spoons along brush structure, creek channels, docks and flats. Report submitted by Jake Rowland, game warden stationed in McIntosh County.
Hugo: March 25. Elevation above normal, water 55 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/HUGO.lakepage.html. White bass excellent on jigs, minnows and small lures along the dam, channels, creek channels and river channel. Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on cut bait, dough bait, live bait, punch bait, shad, stinkbait and sunfish along the dam, channels, creek channels, main lake, river channel, shorelines and standing timber. Crappie excellent on jigs and minnows along the dam, brush structure, creek channels, main lake, river channel, shorelines and standing timber. Report submitted by Andrew Potter, game warden stationed in Choctaw County.
Konawa: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 54 and clear. Largemouth bass fair on Alabama rig, crankbaits, lipless baits and plastic baits along main lake, points, river channel and weed beds. Striped bass hybrids and white bass slow on Alabama rigs and crankbaits along coves, discharge, main lake and river channel. Channel catfish slow on chicken liver and cut bait along coves, riprap and weed beds. Report submitted by Garret Harley, game warden stationed in Seminole County.
Lower Mountain Fork: March 25. Elevation normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ok/nwis/uv?site_no=07339000. Rainbow trout good on PowerBait, small lures, tube jigs and worms along creek channels and spillway. Report submitted by Mark Hannah, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
McGee Creek: March 25. Elevation normal, water 55 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/MCGE.lakepage.html. Largemouth and spotted bass good on crankbaits, flukes, jerk bait and spinnerbait along coves, flats, points and shorelines. White and spotted bass fair on grubs, jigs and lipless baits along creek channels, river mouth and rocks. Report submitted by Jay Harvey, game warden stationed in Atoka County.
Murray: March 29. Elevation below normal, water 56 and clear. Largemouth and smallmouth bass fair on crankbaits, jigs and spinnerbaits around brush structure, coves, main lake and points. Report submitted by Jaylen Flynn, game warden stationed in Carter County.
Pine Creek: March 25. Elevation above normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/PINE.lakepage.html. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits, plastic baits and spoons along creek channels and points. Crappie good on jigs and minnows along brush structure. Channel catfish good on chicken liver and cut bait along coves and creek channels. Report submitted by Mark Hannah, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
Robert S. Kerr: March 25. Elevation normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/KERO2.current.html. White bass fair on hair jigs, jigs and minnows along channels, creek channels and river channels. Crappie good on hair jigs, jigs and minnows along brush structure, coves, creek channels, rocks and weed beds. Largemouth and spotted bass good on crankbaits, minnows, plastic baits and small lures along creek channels, points, rocks, sand bar, standing timber and weed beds. Report submitted by Logan Shimp, game warden stationed in Haskell County.
Sardis: March 25. Elevation above normal, water 55 and muddy. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/SARD.lakepage.html. Largemouth bass fair on bill baits, crankbaits and spinner baits along channels, coves, creek channels and points. Blue catfish fair on chicken liver and cut bait along creek channels and main lake. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along brush structure and creek channels. Report submitted by Eric Barnes, game warden stationed in Pushmataha County.
Texoma: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 54. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/DENI.lakepage.html. Striped bass fair on flukes, live shad and sassy shad along channels, main lake and points. Fishing this week has been a little tougher on the striper. Guides are using live shad right now to catch them. Blue, channel and flathead catfish fair on cut bait, dough bait, goldfish, hot dogs, live shad, punch bait, stinkbait and sunfish along channels, creek channels, rocks, points and river channel. Blue cats are being caught on live shad and punch bait on rod-and-reel. Crappie fair on jigs, minnows and small lures around brush structure, channels, coves, creek channels, points, shorelines and standing timber. Crappie are biting on jigs around brush piles and docks. Should be very good fishing in the next couple of weeks. Report submitted by Garrett Beam, game warden stationed in Bryan County.
Wister: March 25. Elevation above normal. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/WIST.lakepage.html. Largemouth and spotted bass good on bill baits, plastic baits and spinnerbaits along brush structure, channels, coves, points and shorelines. Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, shad, stinkbait, sunfish and worms along the dam, brush structure, channels, main lake, points and standing timber. Crappie good on jigs and minnows along the dam, brush structure, channels, points, shorelines and standing timber. Report submitted by Thomas Gillham, game warden stationed in Leflore County.
Altus-Lugert: March 27. Elevation below normal, water 56 and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/ALTU.lakepage.html. Walleye and white bass fair on crankbaits and jigs along dam and rocks. Channel catfish and crappie fair on jigs and minnows along coves, docks and rocks. Report submitted by Brandon Lehrman, game warden stationed in Greer County.
Ellsworth: March 27. Elevation below normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?07308990. Blue catfish good on cut bait and shad along main lake, points and shallows. Crappie good on jigs and minnows along brush structure and docks. Report submitted by Mike Carroll, game warden stationed in Comanche County.
Ft. Cobb: March 28. Elevation normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/FCOB.lakepage.html. Blue catfish slow on crawfish and cut bait along points. Report submitted by Justin Cornett, game warden stationed in Caddo County.
Lawtonka: March 27. Elevation below normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/webdata/gagedata/LTKO2.current.html. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows along brush structure, docks and main lake. Report submitted by Mike Carroll, game warden stationed in Comanche County.
Tom Steed: March 28. Elevation below normal, water 55 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.sw. t-wc.usace.army.mil/TOMS.lakepage.html. Crappie and saugeye slow on jigs and minnows along coves, dam and rocks. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait, shad and worms along points and shorelines. White bass fair on crankbaits, jigs and minnows along creek channels, points and rocks. Report submitted by David Smith, game warden stationed in Kiowa County.
Waurika: March 28. Elevation below normal, water 50s and stained. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at https://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/WAUR.lakepage.html. White and striped bass hybrids good on spinnerbaits and spoons along channels and creek channels. Crappie fair on minnows and tube jigs along brush structure, docks and rocks. Report submitted by Matt Farris, game warden stationed in Jefferson County.
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