Robin Anderson, recently retired Rogers County Clerk attended the Presidential Inaguation January 20th in Washington DC.
Gina and Scot Nelson, and Kaitlyn and Robin Anderson, Claremore, attended the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. ” “It was such an historic, patriotic, and awesome experience” she stated.

Gina and Scot Nelson, and Kaitlyn and Robin Anderson, Claremore, attended the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump last week in Washington, D.C. “It was such an historic, patriotic, and awesome experience. Here we are after the inaugural ceremonies were over.” Photo via Robin Anderson, recently retired Rogers County Clerk.

“Here we are when we picked up our inauguration tickets at Congressman Markwayne Mullin’s office. Robin and Kaitlyn Anderson, Christie and Markwayne Mullin, Gina and Scot Nelson.” Photo via Robin Anderson

“This invitation to the inaugural ceremonies was in our packets when we picked up our tickets.” via Robin Anderson