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07/13/2023 – Join the City of Owasso Block Party in 2023, taking place on Saturday, September 9th. Block parties create a wonderful opportunity for neighbors to connect with one another. When there is a sense of caring and community in our neighborhoods, they become stronger and safer places to live.

Are you excited about having a block party in your neighborhood this year? Don’t forget that you can request visits from the City’s Fire, Police, and Public Works Departments to make an appearance at your block party. If you would like more information about block parties or if you wish to register your neighborhood block party, please visit the city website at: http://www.cityofowasso.com/173/Block-Party. The deadline to register your block party is Monday, August 28th.

If you have any questions or need assistance in coordinating your neighborhood block party, please feel free to reach out to Jerry Fowler, the Owasso Neighborhood Coordinator, via email at jfowler@cityofowasso.com or by calling 918-376-1556.