Charlotte Helscel with her great-grandchildren getting ready for Halloween
OWASSO, OK – Due to a long driveway, and a house that sits far back off the road, in twenty-five years Charlotte Helscel has never had a trick-or treater. In turn, in past years her family would take her along for the ride, to enjoy trick-or-treating with her grandchildren.
On Monday, we received a Facebook message from Charlotte’s granddaughter, Anndrea Huneryager-Loker, wanting to know if we could help get the word out that her grandmothers home would be open for trick-or-treat this year. Her requested post was this:
For 25 years our grandmother has never had a single trick-o-treater🙁 Make our Grandmother’s dream come true by trick-o-treating at her house (96th & 145th) on Oct 31st!! The gate off 145th will be open for a drive thru Trick-o-treating from 7-9pm or until candy is gone.
In only a couple of hours, the Facebook post on Owassoisms had reached thousands, and was shared hundreds of times. Other local media outlets began calling, wanting to help get the word out. With the great response on Owassoisms Facebook, the family thought they might need more candy, and stocked up a little more.
At 7:00pm Tuesday night, the gates at the house opened, and there were a line of cars waiting. The majority of visitors were strangers with their children, simply driving through to make this grandmothers dream come true. The family made another candy run run during the event, bringing the total candy purchase to $2,500. That may sound like a lot, but to the family, a small price to pay to help Charlotte’s dream come true.
Thank you for turning out Owasso, you did good, very good.

We drove by around 7:30pm. and it was like a scene out of “Field of Dreams” with a line of cars that seemed to never end. Hundred and hundreds of cars arrived for the drive through trick-or-treat experience.