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HANDLED 08/09/2023 0503
Location:8600 BLk US 169
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic speeding Moving
Motorcycle speeding on highway

HANDLED 08/09/2023 0919
Location:11000 Blk E 98 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Weapon Shots Fired
Shots heard in a neighborhood

Report 08/09/2023 1004
Location:11500 Blk N 129 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Shoplifting Report
Shoplifting happened yesterday

Report 08/09/2023 1014
Location:8500 Blk N 129 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Fraud All
Check fraud at business

Report 08/09/2023 1120
Location:12900 Blk E 86 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Theft Report
Money stolen from an individual

Information 08/09/2023 1203
Location:8600 Blk Us 169
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic reckless/drunk/roadrage
recklessly driver

HANDLED 08/09/2023 1301
Location:13300 Blk E 116 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Check car at business

HANDLED 08/09/2023 1636
Location:100 Blk W 2 St
Nature Of Complaint:Fraud All
Fraud Report

HANDLED 08/09/2023 1824
Location:10600 Blk N 129 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/roadrage
Road rage

HANDLED 08/09/2023 2049
Location:7600 Blk N Mingo RD
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/Roadrage
Red car unable to maintain lane

HANDLED 08/09/2023 2230
Location:7700 Blk N Owasso Expy
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Officer Initiated

HANDLED 08/09/2023 2348
Location:12800 Blk E 96 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Welfare Check All
Check on 911 Hang Up

HANDLED 08/09/2023 2349
Location:8500 Blk N 123 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Truck outside business