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HANDLED 02/24/2022 0009
Location:8400 Blk N 133 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Disturbance Verbal Not Domestic
Male screaming outside a residence

HANDLED 02/24/2022 0214
Location:400 Blk N Main St
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Person
Officer Initiated

HANDLED 02/24/2022 0221
Location:7800 Blk N 119 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Breaking and Entering in Progress
Someone breaking into residence

HANDLED 02/24/2022 0353
Location:1400 Blk E 96 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Officer Initiated

Report 02/24/2022 0509
Location:14500 Blk E 86 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Welfare Check All
Check on female at a residence

Report 02/24/2022 0628
Location:8700 Blk N Mingo RD
Nature Of Complaint:Theft Report Auto Theft
Blue chevy truck stolen from residence

Transport 02/24/2022 0702
Location:8400 Blk N 144 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Welfare Check All
Check on female in a vehicle

HANDLED 02/24/2022 0904
Location:11800 Blk E 80 Pl N
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic In Progress Verbal
Couple arguing at a residence

HANDLED 02/24/2022 1001
Location:12700 Blk E 100 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic In Progress Verbal
Couple arguing at a residence

HANDLED 02/24/2022 1355
Location:10700 Blk N 154 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Found Property All
Found purse at a residence

Arrest 02/24/2022 1647
Location:8900 Blk N Garnett RD
Nature Of Complaint:Shoplifting In Progress
Male and female stealing from a business

Arrest 02/24/2022 1801
Location:14600 Blk E 114 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Harass Threats
Male making threats at a residence

HANDLED 02/24/2022 2250
Location:8400 Blk N 133 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Disturbance Loud Noise
Loud Music