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HANDLED 02/28/2022 0053
Location:8700 Blk N 97 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic In Progress Physical
Couple fighting in parking lot

HANDLED 02/28/2022 0224
Location:41600 Blk E 96 ST N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Officer Initiated

Arrest 02/28/2022 0333
Location:8700 Blk N Mingo Rd
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic In Progress Physical
Couple fighting at residence

HANDLED 02/28/2022 0643
Location:11500 blk E 76 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Found Property All
Officer Initiated

Other 02/28/2022 0648
Location:6600 Blk Us 169
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/Roadrage
Car Unable to maintain Lane

Other 02/28/2022 0719
Location:15300 Blk E 85 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
White car with bad words written all over it sitting on a street

Report 02/28/2022 0736
Location:12900 Blk E 69 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Theft Report All Other
Tools stolen from construction site

Unable 02/28/2022 1019
Location:9300 Blk N Garnett RD
Nature Of Complaint:Welfare Check All
Check on male near business

Unable 02/28/2022 1031
Location:8600 Blk N 129 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/Roadrage
White nissan unable to maintain lane

Report 02/28/2022 1108
Location:100 Blk N Main St
Nature Of Complaint:Theft Report All Other
Money taken from account

Report 02/28/2022 1204
Location:12700 Blk E Bradford park Dr
Nature Of Complaint:Harass Stalking
employee harassing resident

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1221
Location:100 blk N Main st
Nature Of Complaint:Found Property All
Found shot gun shell near residence

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1249
Location:9000 Blk N 121 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Open Door
Open door on a business

Report 02/28/2022 1344
Location:8700 Blk N 97 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Disturbance Verbal Not Domestic
People arguing at a residence

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1429
Location:8700 blk N 97 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Vandal Report All
Car egged sometime during the night

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1527
Location:9800 Bllk N 100 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Vehicle
Blue honda parked in front of a residence

Unable 02/28/2022 1610
Location:12700 Blk E 96 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Person
Man walking in the road cussing at people

Cancel 02/28/2022 1637
Location:11300 Blk N 107 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/Roadrage
Grey honda unable to maintaine lane

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1729
Location:11300 blk N 148 E Ave
Nature Of Complaint:Disturbance Verbal Not Domestic
men arguing at a residence

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1832
Location:14600 Blk E 114 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Harass Threats
Juveniles harassing Juveniles

Unable 02/28/2022 1901
Location:11600 blk E 86 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Traffic Reckless/Drunk/roadrage
black sedan driving recklessly

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1911
Location:12100 blk E 96 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Person
Male running at business

HANDLED 02/28/2022 1941
Location:11600 blk E 86 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Drunk public drinking/Intox
two females under the influence at a business

HANDLED 02/28/2022 2008
Location:9300 Blk N Owasso Expy
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Person
Male with flashlight looking into vehicle

Report 02/28/2022 2014
Location:12100 bllk E 96 St N
Nature Of Complaint:Cos Person
Male acting strangely in parking lot of business

HANDLED 02/28/2022 2055
Location:14700 Blk E 88 Pl N
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic In Progress Verbal
couple arguing at a residence

HANDLED 02/28/2022 2116
Location:7600 Blk N Owasso Expy
Nature Of Complaint:Welfare Check All
Check on employees at a business

HANDLED 02/28/2022 2253
Location:14600 blk E 112 Pl N
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic In Progress Verbal
Couple arguing at residence

Arrest 02/28/2022 2313
Location:14300 Blk E 84 Pl N
Nature Of Complaint:Domestic Report Physical
Family members fought at a residence