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by Jerry Fowler, Owasso Neighborhood Coordinator

04/30/2018 – The OSNI-Owasso CARES Spring Day of Service is held in conjunction with The Great American Cleanup, the nation’s largest annual cleanup, beautification and community improvement program. Keep Oklahoma Beautiful, a state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, encourages and supports local volunteer efforts.  OSNI is an Affiliate of Keep Oklahoma Beautiful.

Building A REAL Community Starts With Your Participation!


OSNI has scheduled its combined Owasso CARES Spring Day of Service and Keep Owasso Clean on * Saturday – May 12th – 8:30 am – Noon *

Individuals, families, friends, neighbors, groups, organizations and businesses ARE ENCOURAGED to join our efforts for a Day of clean-up in Owasso neighborhoods & Community.

** If you plan to join us, Please sign up by Tuesday – May 8th  **

To Volunteer: http://www.cityofowasso.com/239/Owasso-CARES