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2015-03-30 9:04:08 AM

The City of Owasso Refuse Division will begin their annual Yard Waste collection program on April 13, 2015 and will run through November 13, 2015.

During this period, all yard waste is required to be separated from other residential refuse and must be placed in the city-supplied clear compost bags or specifically requested City of Owasso issued red Polycarts if curbside pickup is desired. Brush shall be tied in bundles not to exceed four feet in length and two feet in diameter. These bundles shall be placed in the red Polycart,
or a city-supplied clear compost bag must be attached to each bundle.

The cost for the red Polycart will be $11.95 per month. The approved compost bags will be $8.00 for a roll of ten (10), and shall be offered for sale at City Hall, the Owasso Recycle Center,
and the Owasso Quick Trip stores. The charge for compost bags covers the yard waste collection fees.

For questions, please contact the Owasso Public Works department at 918-272-4959.

Refuse and Yard Waste Info…