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RCS Middle School Student Council donates to Africa school

Rejoice Christian Schools’ (RCS) Middle School Student Council hosted a collection drive to help provide items for Rejoice Bilingual Academy (RBA) teachers. The students collected food and toiletry items that aren’t readily available in Africa. RCS students also collected a few educational tools for RBA students. Rejoice Bilingual Academy is located in Tanda, Ivory Coast, Africa. Two former RCS teachers are instructors at Rejoice Bilingual Academy. Pictured from left to right are (back row) seventh-grade student Olivia Davis, eighth-grade student Sydnee Schovanec, sixth-grade student Ashley Shern, sixth-grade student Sky Araiza, sixth-grade student Macy Shaw, eighth-grade student Mackenzie Shaw, eighth-grade student Sydney Ferrell, eighth-grade student Cole Inouye, sixth-grade student Beau Temple and (front row) sixth-grade student Emma England.