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DocumentOwasso – April 20, 2016: Owasso has a new name for its downtown: the “Redbud District.”

After months of collaboration between public input and focus group discussions, five names were put out to the public for vote. On April 15th, 1,625 votes were tallied and “Redbud District” won with 534 votes in its favor.

Naming this part of Owasso hopes to attract more interest, investment, and identity to downtown. The City is now hosting a logo contest for the Redbud District. The public is invited to submit a sketch or drawing to accompany the new name. The contest deadline is Friday, May 20. The official name and logo will be announced in late May.

Instructions for the logo contest are on the City website at www.cityofowasso.com. Files can be uploaded through the website or by sending directly to bstephenson@cityofowasso.com.

The Oklahoma Redbud tree was designated as the official state tree in 1937. It is a small deciduous tree with reddish-pink blossoms that brighten the Oklahoma landscape in early spring.