Pictured from left to right are Rita Woolf, SAI Chair of Service Program Sandra Hayes, Kara Street, SAI Service Project Committee Member Barb Derby, SAI Tulsa Alumnae Chapter President Karen Gingrich and SAI Treasurer Sherye Halliburton.
On April 28, Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity (SAI) donated two one-octave sets of hand bells to Rejoice Christian Schools (RCS). SAI’s Tulsa Alumnae Chapter donated the bells, and this chapter’s service committee donates small instruments and music education items to area Tulsa schools. Both RCS Elementary Principal Rita Woolf and RCS music teacher Kara Street gratefully accepted the donation.
The mission of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity is to encourage, nurture and support the art of music. Rejoice Christian Schools is extremely thankful for the SAI Tulsa Alumnae Chapter’s generous donation and commitment to music education