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State Troopers with the Oklahoma Highway Patrol want to remind motorists to use caution when driving during Halloween.



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Please use the following safety tips when operating a motor vehicle:

-Always drive at safe speeds, especially in residential areas.
-Use extreme caution when backing from a driveway or parked position.
-Watch for small children who may be “trick-or-treating” in and around
-Pay special attention to the roadway and avoid distracted driving.
-Always drive sober!

Troopers urge parents to chaperon children while they are outside enjoying
this festive occasion.  Costumes should include proper safety attire for
nighttime activities, such as a flashlight and bright reflective clothing.
Remember to always use sidewalks and walk in well-lighted areas when they
are available. Children should never walk unattended, especially around
unfamiliar areas.

Please take a moment to review this safety message and share with anyone
who may take part in Halloween activities this year.

Authority:  OHP Public Affairs Division
Captain George Brown #47
Troop Commander, Public Affairs