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From the City of Owasso

07/21/2021 –


Owasso’s Recreation and Culture Department appreciates and values the opportunity to provide fun and safe areas for people to gather and celebrate their lives. Our community parks are one of these frequented locations where we see that the most. As we add upgrades and develop for the future, construction delays and park downtime are necessary consequences to reaching these goals. We understand the frustration and disappointment it causes our citizens when deadlines are not met, and extensions are required.

Sincerely, we, too, feel the same and want nothing more than to complete the projects. Unfortunately, unavoidable circumstances do arise, and we have to adjust. Our objective in these instances is to communicate the status of the projects and update the community as information becomes available.

Elm Creek Park renovations have not been completed due to several unavoidable situations, such as:

  • Stabilization of the pond bank has been delayed due to additional requirements to the out-flow structure discovered once the contractors drained the pond. Once the structure has been built and installed, the remaining portion of the stabilization should move pretty quickly.
  • The construction delay of the new playground is a result of the shortage and unavailability of resin used in the glue to fabricate the walking surface of the structure. Once contractors locate a vendor to supply this necessary ingredient, they will install the surface, and the playground will be completed very quickly.

We will continue to update as information is received, or you can call the Recreation and Culture Department for specific questions. Thank you so much for being so patient.