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How to plan your ideal week using a TARGET: THRIVE_LOGO


You wouldn’t play basketball without a rim. You want to have a target to shoot for. You need the same thing in life. A target of where you will shoot your time.

The idea here is to keep the main thing the main thing. If you are going to have success in your life you must prioritize your life and your time.

Your schedule may not look like you want it to at this time – that’s okay. The most important step is to get an accurate target. You have to have a goal to shoot at.

Challenge yourself to develop your list of your “main things” or your “targets” that you want to do most every week.

Personally, You need enough time allocated to spend time with God, spend time with your wife and children and family. 

People that manage their money well, tell their money where to go each month. Similarly, you must tell your time where to go each day and each week. The wise man plans his time and money and schedules where it goes ahead of time.  Schedule some time with God every week here at Friendship Baptist Church. We want you to thrive.