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What is the best remedy for menstrual cramps?



Different therapies can be used to address menstrual cramps.  One common method is to use a group of medications called NSAIDS.  One example of this is ibuprofen.  If a woman is able to take this medication and she knows the timing of her cycle, she can start the medication a few days before her cycle and take the medication during her period.  This has been shown to decrease or even stop the cramping.


Another method is to use oral contraceptives.  These are prescribed by your physician if you do not have certain risk factors.  As always, you should regularly follow up with your OB to discuss these issues and develop a plan of care. 



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Dr. Aldon Corle, Jr., OB/Gyn

Utica Park Clinic – Owasso

10512 N. 110th East Ave., Suite 200

Owasso, OK  74055

