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Top left-Isabella Abdoo, Rachel Condren, Rinzey Walters, Bailey Thompson, Gianna Abdoo, Hope Warner, Taylor Hart, Reece Cunningham, Ashlyn Waters all Owasso Varsity and Madeleine Thomas (lower row right) Owasso JV.

06/14/2018 – Several Owasso Cheer members made NCA All American Cheerleader, at NCA camp held at OSU Tuesday through today.
These Cheer Girls were among 60+ nominees who had to do individual tryouts and made it!
Owasso students include:Isabella Abdoo, Rachel Condren, Rinzey Walters, Bailey Thompson, Gianna Abdoo, Hope Warner, Taylor Hart, Reece Cunningham, Ashlyn Waters all Owasso Varsity and Madeleine Thomas (lower row right) Owasso JV