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04/01/2019 – Today in the Hot Seat, it is Steve Mowery of Mowery Funeral Service.

Thank you, Steve, for playing along.


Who is a role model in your life?

I would have to say my dad was my role model. It’s amazing the knowledge and work ethic you can learn from a small town farm boy.


Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

I’d like to say George Clooney, but that would probably be wishful thinking. More than likely a Ryan Reynolds or Paul Rudd


Which household chores do you not mind?

I don’t do many household chores, my wife is wonderful at taking care of our home


What career would you like to have if you could not do your current one?

No surprise. I would have gone into communications or some type of professional sports broadcasting. I know….I would have needed a lot of training.


What is something on your bucket list?

Tough one here. I would say getting to spend more time visiting the historical parts of Washington D.C. for a couple of weeks. OR…standing on the sideline of a Dallas Cowboy game!


What is something most people don’t know about you?

That I worked on farms in high school and actually owned show calves. (Aberdeen Angus, the superior breed!)


Dinner with a person (past, present, future) of your choice: Who would you pick and why?

Hands down Roger Staubach.  Great man of faith, family man, Navy veteran, Heisman Trophy winner, and Dallas Cowboy.


When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I really always have known funeral service was my calling at a young age, even from the time I rode with my dad with the ambulance to Owasso Ram football games at old Ator Field.


What is the weirdest food you have eaten?

On a vacation to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we tried octopus. It was actually quite tasty.


What is your favorite thing about Owasso?

Family, friends, and community. People can’t really understand how wonderful Owasso really is unless they have lived here.