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(with instructors USPTA ELITE PRO Shawn Cooke, Owasso HS Coaching staff, and Owasso High School players)



  • #1 Session May 28-31 All Levels 7-16**ONLY *Rain day June 1 SESSION TO RECEIVE T-SHIRT
  • #2 Session June 3-6 All Levels 7-16 *Rain day June 7 # 3 Session June 10-13 All Levels 7-16 *Rain day June 14

TIMES: All sessions will run from 9-11:30. Please arrive early on first day of camp for registration process.

COST: $65 (includes camp insurance) T-SHIRT ONLY FIRST SESSION** **Discount available for siblings($65/$50/40) and for attending more than one session($65/50). Payment(cash/check) taken first morning of camp. Checks can made out to Lori Swindell.

WHAT TO BRING: tennis racket and water bottle *ball cap/visor and sunscreen highly recommended

LOCATION: Owasso Public Schools Tennis Facility (located at Owasso 8th Grade Center 13901 E. 86th St N.)

REGISTRATION: Email Lori Swindell at lori.swindell@owassops.org **Please provide child’s name and age, session attending and parent’s name and phone number.

**Snacks will be provided so please list any allergies your child may have