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This is what community is all about!
06/18/2020 – One of a series of national donations of 53’ semi-truck loads of food, was delivered to Bartlesville and Owasso this morning. The truck was loaded with 41,000+ pounds of long-life, shelf-stable food from Salt Lake City, headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, First Church, and from within the community helped unload the pallets of food. Owasso Public Schools brought out their forklift to assist unloading the truck.
This was a great example of our community working together for the better of Owasso.
Related story: http://www.owassoisms.com/semi-truck-of-food-is-coming-to-bartlesville-and-owasso-for-distribution/