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About every other month, I feel pain in my lower abdomen.  It occurs more often on the left side and starts about 10 days before my period returns.  Do you know what could be causing this cramping pain?



Premenstrual symptoms (PMS) are very common about one week prior to menses. These symptoms can be very mild or quite severe, and range from mild moodiness to severe bouts of depression. Oral contraceptives, or birth control pills, can sometimes alleviate these symptoms because they keep your hormones leveled throughout your cycle. If you do not want to, or cannot, take an oral contraceptive, anti-depressants are approved for treatment of PMS, as well. I commonly use Prozac which can be taken either daily, or for just two weeks per month, starting around ovulation. 



utica park


Dr. Nicole Chainakul, OB/Gyn

Dr. Aldon Corle, Jr., OB/Gyn

Dr. Stephanie Hall, OB/Gyn

Utica Park Clinic – Owasso

10512 N. 110th East Ave., Suite 200

Owasso, OK  74055


Utica Park Clinic – Owasso OB/Gyns