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Question:  How do you know that God even exists?

Answer: When someone asks for proof of God’s existence, I wonder what it is they want exactly.
  If they are asking that God reveal Himself and speak to them, my response is that He has done this. The Bible gives much evidence that God exists, but without doubt this question is looking for an answer apart from the Bible itself. Yet the amazing accuracy of both history and prophecy in Scripture attest to God’s revealing Himself through that means. If they want to see God physically, again I would say, He has done that, in sending Jesus Christ.
But I would guess that still may not be enough for some. So let’s talk logic…..
Various philosophical arguments have been used defend God’s existence. All of them come back to the issue of causation (ie. cause/effect). Logically, everything that exists must be either self-caused, caused by another, or uncaused.   
First in order, something cannot logically be self-caused, because it would have had to exist in order to cause itself. It cannot exist before it exists.
Secondly, everything that has a beginning must be caused by another, since something acted upon it, causing it to come into existence. I exist as a direct effect of my parents, etc. Thus, all of finite creation was caused by another, and is still dependent on outside causes for its continuing existence. As a finite being, I am dependent on air, water, food, sleep, etc. in order to continue to exist.
What then is uncaused? It is that which exists forever, uncaused, but simply existing as it is. It is not dependent on anything for its existence, therefore it cannot cease to exist. It simply exists, independent of any causation. 
The fact that this material universe undeniably exists, must be dealt with. It is either uncaused (and thus eternal), or it is caused by another. If the universe is eternal matter, then it never came to be, and will never cease to be. Yet the best scientific thought says that the universe has a beginning. If there was a big bang, the question is what caused the bang? Everything we observe in the material universe is subject to something else for its existence (Hence, caused by another).
In light of that, there must be an uncaused cause for all that we see in existence; One who has always existed but is the cause of all else. An infinite regress of causes only delays the need for a final uncaused cause. The existence of a finite, material universe tells us there must be a creator who is uncaused and has always existed.
The amazing design in the universe tells us there must be a designer of infinite wisdom. The universal sense of moral law tells us there must be a moral lawgiver who is completely righteous. All of creation testifies to the existence of God. To believe that something came from nothing would take greater faith than to believe in an eternal uncaused being who is the cause of everything else. 

How do I logically know God exists? In the same way I know my house had a builder and designer. Creation tells me there is a God. Scripture tells me who He is, and how I can know Him. Nothing else in the universe even compares with the importance of knowing our Creator. For He who made us holds the key to the purpose of our lives. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
Pastor Linzy Slayden, Friendship Baptist Church, Owasso, Oklahoma
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