Blood Donor” Challenge Launched

“Blood Donor” Challenge Launched
January 27, 2016─ Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) invites all to take the “Blood Donor Challenge” between February 1 and May 15. Blood given with OBI saves the lives of patients in nearly 90 percent of the medical facilities across the state every day including Saint Francis Health System and all Children’s, VA and Indian Hospitals. Yet, national statistics show that less than 10 percent of those eligible to donate blood do so at least annually.
Healthy adults*, 16 and older, can typically give and will receive a “Blood Donor Challenge” T-shirt.
“Some of our friends and neighbors face the challenge of staying alive,” said Jan Laub, Executive Director, Oklahoma Blood Institute Tulsa. “We challenge those who are healthy but have never given life-saving blood to step up, and join the movement. And, since our donors typically give only once or twice a year, we urge them to give more often.” Donations can be made as often as every two months or six times a year.
OBI relies on donations from an average of 1,000 donors each day to meet the needs of patients in the area hospitals it exclusively serves. One single donation can save as many as three lives. It usually takes no more than an hour to donate.
Increases in first-time blood donors and repeat donations by current blood donors will be tracked. The organization is optimistic that the Challenge will spur people with negative blood types to donate. Only 18 percent of the population has a negative type, but patients with those types must have it from donors with negative types. A person can learn his or her blood type by donating.
Appointments to give are not required but can be made by calling (877) 340-8777 or visiting Oklahoma Blood Institute is the ninth largest, nonprofit blood center in the U.S.
* 16 year olds must weigh at least 125 and provide signed parental permission; 17 year olds must weigh at least 125 pounds; 18+ year olds must weigh at least 110 pounds