Wheels and Thrills Easter Egg Hunt!
Hop on over for an egg-citing time with the Easter Bunny at the Wheels and Thrills Easter Egg Hunt!
Saturday, April 5th | 9-11 AM
$10 Ticket: Includes Skate, Play, Ride & Jump + Easter Egg Hunt! (Designed for kids under 6)
$14.50 Ticket: Includes Skate, Play, Jump, Laser Tag & a $5 Arcade Card (Great for older siblings!)
$14.50 Ticket: Includes Skate, Play, Jump, Laser Tag & a $5 Arcade Card (Great for older siblings!)
Two separate egg hunts for different age groups!
Over 1,000 eggs filled with awesome prizes!
Over 1,000 eggs filled with awesome prizes!
Don’t miss out—bring the whole family for a morning of fun!
Wheels and Thrills
Saturday, April 5th | 9-11 AM
Saturday, April 5th | 9-11 AM