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ask the expertQuestion:

What exactly are tonsil stones?  Is there a way to prevent them?




Tonsil stones are also known as tonsilloliths.  The surface of the tonsil is filled with uneven nooks, crannies or crypts.  These areas get filled with secretions from the tonsil, dead cells, mucus and other debris.  It gets compacted into the crypts each time we swallow.  Overtime it develops into a foul-smelling, whitish-yellow “stone” that can cause a gagging feeling and bad breath (halitosis). 


I’m frequently amazed at the stories patients share of how they remove them at home.  Frequently they will work their way out on their own.  They can become locally sore and inflamed as they are working their way out. 


The surface of the tonsil is more cryptic than others, giving more space for the formation of these tonsilloliths.  Gargling with warm salt water can help at times.  If chronically present, the most definitive treatment is a tonsillectomy to remove the tonsils altogether.  Once the tonsils are gone, the repeated stone formation and subsequent bad breath are no longer a problem. 





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Bryan Smedley, D.O.

Ear, Nose & Throat Care

Utica Park Clinic – Owasso

10512 N. 110th East Ave., Suite 220

Owasso, OK  74055

