Greenleaf: October 26. Elevation rising, water 72 and murky. Crappie good on jigs, minnows, and spoons around brush structure and docks. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait and hot dogs around coves, flats, shallows, and shorelines. Bluegill sunfish fair on jigs, minnows, and worms around brush structure, shallows, and shorelines. Report submitted by Josey Branch, game warden stationed in Muskogee County.
Kaw: October 27. Elevation 1 1/2 ft. below normal, water low 50s and stained. Crappie good on grubs, hair jigs, jigs, live bait, minnows, and tube jigs around brush structure, points, riprap, and standing timber. White bass and striped hybrid bass good on in-line spinnerbaits, lipless baits, live baits, and sassy shad along creek channels, points, and river channel. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait, shad, and stinkbait along flats, main lake, and river mouth. Report submitted by Spencer Grace, game warden stationed in Kay County.
Keystone: October 22. Elevation above normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Largemouth bass good on plastic baits around weed beds. Crappie good on jigs and minnows around brush structure. Blue catfish good on cut bait. Report submitted by Karlin Bailey, game warden stationed in Creek County.
Lower Illinois River: October 25. Elevation normal, water 63 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at Rainbow trout fair on in-line spinnerbaits, PowerBait, and spoons below the dam and around the Watts Area. No generation scheduled due to repair work at the dam through November 2. Report submitted by Brek Henry, game warden stationed in Sequoyah County.
Sooner: October 26. Elevation normal, water 60s and murky. Striped hybrid bass and white bass fair on jigs and live shad around discharge and main lake. Blue catfish slow on cut bait and live bait around the main lake. Report submitted by Stephen Paul, game warden stationed in Noble County.
Tenkiller: October 26. Elevation normal, water 74 and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at Crappie good on crankbaits, jigs, minnows, small lures, and tube jigs around brush structure, docks, and standing timber. Largemouth and spotted bass good on crankbaits, jigs, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around brush structure, docks, points, rocks, shorelines, and standing timber. Bluegill, green, and redear sunfish good on minnows, small lures, tube jigs, and worms around brush structure, docks, rocks, and shorelines. Report submitted by Cody Youngblood, game warden stationed in Cherokee County.
Webbers Falls: October 26. Elevation rising water 72 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait and hot dogs below the dam and around flats. Flathead catfish good on live bait and snagging below the dam and around flats. Paddlefish slow snagging below the dam. Report submitted by Josey Branch, game warden stationed in Muskogee County.
Canton: October 24. Elevation below normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at White bass and striped hybrid bass good on crankbaits and slabs around the main lake. Report submitted by Mark Walker, game warden stationed in Blaine County.
Foss: October 26. Elevation below normal, water lower 50s and clear. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at Striped hybrid bass good on live bait and slabs around the main lake. Catfish good on cut bait and stinkbait. Walleye fair. Crappie fair. Report submitted by Eric Puryear, B & K Bait House.
Arbuckle: October 25. Elevation below normal, water 1/3 ft. low, clear, and 72. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at Crappie good on jigs, spoons and fair on jigs and minnows around docks, brush structure, and ledges. Largemouth bass fair on jigs, Alabama rigs, and shaky head worms. Smallmouth bass good on topwater lures early and on shaky head worms the rest of the day. White bass good on spoons off ledges in mid-lake. Report submitted by Jack Melton.
Broken Bow: October 23. Elevation below normal, water 79. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, flukes, and plastic baits around brush structure and points. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around brush structure, points, and standing timber. Report submitted by Dru Polk, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
Eufaula: October 23. Elevation dropping, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Saugeye good on small lures below the dam. Blue and flathead catfish good on crawfish, live bait, live shad, and shrimp below the dam, around main lake, river mouth, and rocks. Crappie slow on grass hoppers, jigs, and minnows below the dam and around docks. Report submitted by Cannon Harrison, game warden stationed in McIntosh County.
Hugo: October 23. Elevation above normal, water 74 and murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Blue, channel, and flathead catfish good on cut bait, dough bait, live bait, shad, stinkbait, and sunfish below the dam, around channels, main lake, river channel, and shorelines. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows below the dam, around brush structure, channels, creek channels, main lake, river channel, and standing timber. Report submitted by Andrew Potter, game warden stationed in Choctaw County.
Konawa: October 26. Elevation normal, water 68 and clear. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits, jigs, and plastic baits around main lake, points, river channel, and weed beds. Striped hybrid bass and white bass slow on Alabama rig, crankbaits, and live shad around coves, main lake, and river channel. Channel catfish fair on chicken liver, cut bait, shrimp, and worms around coves, inlet, riprap, and weed beds. Report submitted by Garret Harley, game warden stationed in Seminole County.
Lower Mountain Fork: October 23. Elevation normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Geological Survey website at Rainbow and brown trout good on PowerBait, small lures, tube jigs, and worms around creek channels, shallows, and spillway. Report submitted by Mark Hannah, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
McGee Creek: October 23. Elevation above normal, water 71. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at Largemouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around coves, flats, points, and rocks. Crappie and white bass slow on minnows around brush structure and standing timber. Report submitted by Jay Harvey, game warden stationed in Atoka County.
Pine Creek: October 23. Elevation normal, water clear. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Largemouth bass good on crankbaits and plastic baits around coves, creek channels, and points. Crappie good on minnows around brush structure, creek channels, and standing timber. Channel catfish fair on chicken liver below the dam. Report submitted by Mark Hannah, game warden stationed in McCurtain County.
Robert S. Kerr: October 23. Elevation normal, water murky. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Largemouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, grass hoppers, minnows, and plastic baits around brush structure, coves, rocks, standing timber, and weed beds. Blue, channel, and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, dough bait, goldfish, hot dogs, minnows, shad, shrimp, sunfish, and worms below the dam, around creek channels, main lake, river channel, river mouth, and tailwater. Crappie fair on goldfish, hair jigs, jigs, minnows, and small lures below the dam, around coves, creek channels, river channel, and standing timber. Report submitted by Logan Shimp, game warden stationed in Haskell County.
Sardis: October 29. Elevation normal, water 61. For current elevation conditions go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website at Largemouth and spotted bass fair on crankbaits, jerk baits, jigs, lipless baits, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around brush structure, creek channels, points, riprap, rocks, shorelines, standing timber, and weed beds. Blue, channel, and flathead catfish fair on cut bait, shad, and sunfish along flats and the main lake. Crappie fair on jigs, minnows, and tube jigs around brush structure, points, and standing timber. Report submitted by Dane Polk, game warden stationed in Pushmataha County.
Texoma: October 23. Elevation below normal, water 69. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Striped bass good on live shad around flats, main lake, and points. Striped bass are biting great in the evenings. Anglers should look for working birds and drop live shad below them. White bass fair on jigs and sassy shad around flats and main lake. White bass are feeding beneath working birds as well. Blue catfish fair on cut bait and shad around main lake and river channel. Blue cat are being caught on whole or cut shad in river channels. Report submitted by Trey Hale, game warden stationed in Marshall County.
Wister: October 23. Elevation normal, water cloudy. For current elevation conditions go to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website at Largemouth and spotted bass good on bill baits, crankbaits, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around brush structure, channels, points, and shorelines. Blue, channel, and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, hot dogs, shad, stinkbait, sunfish, and worms below the dam, around brush structure, channels, main lake, points, and standing timber. Crappie good on jigs, minnows, and small lures around brush structure, channels, points, shorelines, standing timber, and cedar brush. Report submitted by Thomas Gillham, game warden stationed in LeFlore County.
Ft. Cobb: October 25. Elevation below normal, water 70 and clear. Saugeye fair on jigs and small lures around points. Report submitted by Brayden Hicks, game warden stationed in Caddo County.
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