Bystander keeping an eye on grass fire burning on the west side of Meadow Crest Housing Edition. Photo via Owassoisms
4:32:29 PM 02/18/2016
Around 3pm Thursday afternoon, Owasso Fire was dispatched to a grass fire in the area of the water tower near Bailey Medical Center.
The high winds quickly spread the flames, causing it to spread and jump 106th Street to the north, catching part of the Owasso Sports Park on fire. Owasso Police and OHP had area roadways blocked.
The Meadowcrest and Hale Acres housing additions were evacuated as a precaution.
At the time of this report, fire crews from Owasso, Turley, Tulsa and Collinsville were still fighting the flames.

Fire reached the ball fields at the Owasso Sports Complex – photo by Wendy Helm

Photo via Owassoisms