03/09/2017 From Rural Water District #3, Rogers County:
Many of our customers on the Owasso side of the District have most likely noticed the new Stone Canyon water tower being constructed. It is nearing completion and we are making preparations to tie it in to the main line.
We are making every effort to give our customers ample notice of the plans to avoid an unexpected loss of service. Please make note of the proposed down time and prepare as best you can. We are trying to provide minimal outage for our customers.
Everyone south of Hwy 20 to 56th St N could possibly be affected.
The proposed itinerary is as follows:
* 3/10 through 3/15/17 – We will be exercising valves, which may cause temporary low water pressure in some areas.
* 3/20/17 – We will begin excavation and assemble parts for the * 3/21/17 – 9:00 a.m. the water will be shut down and the line will be drained.
* 3/21/17 – 10:00 a.m. Installation will begin.
It is very difficult to predict the duration of the project because of possible unforeseen problems arising. We will, however, complete the project as quickly as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience in this matter.