2015 Spring Recreational League registration ** This is the LAST weekend!
January 24 (Saturday): 11am – 3pm
LAST DAY -January 25 (Sunday): 1pm – 3pm
SIGN UP LOCATION: Owasso Family YMCA – Owasso, OK. Located at: 8300 N. Owasso Expy.
* 5yr old coach pitch thru 14yr old recreational offered *
(NOTE: players must be at least 5yr. old by March 1, 2015 to play at Champions)
T-ball League @ Owasso Y will offer 3- 6yr T-Ball
* 5 – 6yr Coach Pitch $75.00
* 7-8yr Coach Pitch $100.00
* 9-10yr $110.00
* 11-12yr $115.00
* 13-14yr $120.00
* Late registrations ADD $20.00 *
CONTACT: jdhenderson59@gmail.com OR mulljl@cox.net