photo ©owassoisms
The 12th Annual Spring Garden Festival will be on Saturday, May 7th from 9am-4pm at Tyann Plaza Center, 9451 North Owasso Expy.
This free community event hosted by Owasso Bouquet of Gardeners features about 25 vendors, entertainment and a chance to win great prizes. Entertainment will be provided by various groups
There will be a periodic drawing for free prizes, some small and some very nice prizes. Included will be gift cards to local businesses.
There will be everything needed to create a beautiful garden, including a large variety of plants, hanging baskets, tomatoes, herbs, flowers, pottery and metal garden art.
Proceeds from the festival provide an annual scholarship to a graduating Owasso Senior and community beautification projects. Additional vendors are always welcome.
The Vendor Application Form can be found on their website, www.owassogardenclub.com.