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Record flooding in Baton Rouge, Louisiana over the last week has resulted in 13 deaths and record losses in the town of over 229,000.
Estimates are that 90% off the residents have experienced damage or total loss to their property.
Clean up will take months and the clean up supply demand is enormous.
A local Owasso business owner has contacted officials in the area, and has offered his large panel truck to deliver supplies.
Below is a list of clean-up supplies currently needed, as well as local drop off locations. If your business would like to be included as a drop off location, please call or message us to be added.
Drop off locations are as follows:
- Waterstone Cleaners 96th/Garnett
- Trails End BBQ – 8800 North Garnett
- Owassoisms 8555 N 117th East Ave, Suite 103
- Friendship Baptist 86th and 145th E. Ave
- Attic Storage on Hwy 20 and 145th E Ave
The donation truck will also be at the Owasso Gathering on Main Thursday, September 1, hoping to fill the truck and be ready to transport. Drop off your donations and then enjoy your evening on Main Street. The truck will be located near the CNG Station.
Items requested include:
*dehumidifiers • plastic laundry baskets • first aid kits • 50 ft heavy duty water hoses • crow and pry bars • square shovels • squeegees •
brooms • rubber gloves/work gloves • trash bags • hard hats • five gallon buckets • bleach •mosquito repellent • Gatorade • bottled water • hammers • dust masks • one gallon spray bottle • box fans • extension cords • razor knives • diapers and toiletries.

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