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by Randy Cowling,  Owasso Community Resources

Beginning MONDAY, April 6, 2020, through the end of April OCR will have NEW HOURS.

We will be open from 11:30 am to 3 pm only on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Due to current social distancing orders, OCR has shifted to assisting families with curbside delivery. This keeps our staff, volunteers and you – the client safe.

This may limit the choices but OCR will be handing out sacks of produce, bakery and other items. We will do the best we can to give a variety of items. If you are eligible for our 60-day grocery plan, let us know and we can bring it out as well.

We encourage you to only come once a week to observe the shelter at home order with less travel outside your home.

Be Safe. Wash Your Hands.
Observe Social Distancing.
If you have questions call 918-272-4969