Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a procedure performed in an emergency when the heart stops, with the goal of prolonging circulatory and lung function.
Although advances in emergency cardiac care continue to improve the chances of surviving cardiac arrest, it still remains a leading cause of death in many parts of the world.
Sudden cardiac arrest is less common in children than adults. It usually occurs when there is a lack of oxygen caused by a breathing problem such as choking, near-drowning, or respiratory infections.
The technique for an adult CPR candidate can be quite different than the procedure performed on a child or infant; because an infant is smaller than a child, the CPR technique for infants contains further changes – our goal is to teach the proper technique whether the individual is an adult, child or infant.
The Owasso Fire Department offer CPR classes the 3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Sign up by calling the OFD office at 918-272-5253 or email through the calendar link below.