Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving team competition to help students thrive in a technical world, bringing academic skills to a whole new perspective outside the classroom. This program provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate how skills learned in a school setting transcend to help solve everyday problems. Students brainstorm a creative solution to a technical problem. Odyssey effectively combines STEM with the arts and humanities (STEAM) to develop well-rounded young members of our society.
Owasso Public Schools has been involved for 35 years, providing hundreds of students with creative problem-solving opportunities.
Students in grades 1-12 and their parents are invited to attend this meeting.
Parent Information Meeting
Owasso High School East Campus Ram Cafe
Thursday, September 26, 2019, at 7:00 PM
Questions: sherry.beeson@owassops.org or marianne.zamor@owassops.org