Congratulations to the Owasso Odyssey of the Mind
teams who competed in
Saturday’s State Competition.

Owasso 6GC members: Wilder Collins, Tiger Boschee, Brodie Wright, Jeremiah Watts, Emorie Nuckels, Madileen Reimer, and Ty Trimble
04/02/2019 – The Owasso team from the 6th Grade Center took fourth place overall with a dramatic improvement from their score at the Regional Meet in February. They came in second on their Spontaneous Problem.
This team created and presented a humorous performance about a sneaky character that distracts others while trying to take control.

Owasso 8GC team members: Zerak Weems, Peyton Dick, Carina Galutia, Liz Lake, and Alexia Sang
In this problem, students assembled and rode on a vehicle that functioned in different ways to “save the day.” Between attempts, the vehicle was disassembled, put back into the suitcases, and taken to a different area in which it was reassembled and driven again.
This resourceful team earned second place at the Regional Tournament in Edmond in February and put in more work to increase their score by 83 points, earning first place at the State Tournament in Jenks in March, qualifying them to compete at World Finals in May.