Brandon Cornelius Oliver, 28 of Tulsa
03/18/2019 – Monday morning, March 18th, an Owasso officer observed a blue jeep traveling west on East 86th Street North at 70 mph in a posted 35 mph zone. The officer initiated the traffic stop, and the vehicle accelerated and attempted to flee.
The suspect then ran the red light at 86th and Mingo, almost crashing into another vehicle in the intersection. The officer attempted to catch up the to the suspect, at which time the suspect vehicle increased its speed to 90 mph and began swerving in and out of traffic, passing other motorists in an apparent attempt to evade the officer. The vehicle’s speed reached 90-100 mph in a 45 mph zone as the officer caught up, still traveling west on East 86th Street North near Memorial.
The suspect continued at a high rate of speed, passing vehicles in a no passing zone, forcing oncoming traffic to take evasive actions to avoid being struck and failing to yield to the pursuing officers. Officers set up stop sticks at 10600 Highway 75 (Northbound), which deflated the tires on the suspect vehicle.
A short distance later, the driver pulled to the shoulder and exited the car, fleeing on foot through a field. After a short foot chase, the suspect was apprehended by officers. Officers located suspected methamphetamine inside the suspect’s pants pocket while patting him down post-arrest.
Brandon Cornelius Oliver, 28 of Tulsa was arrest on charges of DUS, Traffic Light Violation, Speeding, Possession of CDS, Eluding Police.