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 tedd tripp book

The Bible Church of Owasso (“BCO”) has arranged for pastor Tedd Tripp to come to Owasso for a parenting conference this spring.  The conference is scheduled for Friday night, May 2 and Saturday morning, May 3.

Pastor Tripp will present 5 lessons based on his book “Instructing a Child’s Heart”, his successor book to “Shepherding a Child’s Heart.”  In a world that increasingly hostile to godly parenting, we need God-centered, gospel-empowered resources to equip parents for raising children in the wisdom and admonition of the Lord.  This instruction is designed with just that goal in mind.  We have attached a flyer with more information about the conference.  You’ll also find detailed information about each conference lesson and how to register at BCO’s website,  www.owassobible.org.

 Please also consider telling your friends or your church about this important conference.  The conference is open to anyone.  Since this is a parenting conference, they are anticipating that a large percentage of attendees will be parents.  BCO will provide free childcare; but have only a limited number of childcare spots available on a first come, first served basis.


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