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What can I do to relieve urinary tract infection symptoms and prevent them from occurring in the first place?



Symptoms of a urinary tract infection need to be evaluated. The only way to truly get rid of a bladder infection is through the use of antibiotics. If you just have bladder irritation, that can be relieved by limiting caffeine and acidic foods and beverages, and drinking more water. The over-the-counter medication AZO Standard can also help relieve discomfort. 


Consumption of cranberry juice or tablets can help prevent bladder infections. If you get bladder infections frequently, you may need to watch the way you wipe after using the restroom – always wipe from front to back.  Also, urinate after intercourse and, as always, drink more water.





Dr. Nicole Chainakul, OB/Gyn

Dr. Aldon Corle, Jr., OB/Gyn

Dr. Stephanie Hall, OB/Gyn

Utica Park Clinic – Owasso

10512 N. 110th East Ave., Suite 200

Owasso, OK  74055


Utica Park Clinic – Owasso OB/Gyns