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ask the expertQuestion:

Why do some women leak when they cough, sneeze or laugh?  Do Kegel exercises help?




When a woman loses urine while coughing or sneezing, it is called stress urinary incontinence.  It is caused by a loss in the integrity of the muscles supporting the urethra.  This can be the result of childbirth or heavy lifting.  It can also occur in women who have never had a vaginal delivery.  While bothersome and often embarrassing, there is help.


If you notice that you’re losing urine when coughing, etc., try Kegel exercises.  The easiest way to explain Kegels is to imagine you are going to the bathroom.  While urinating, if you stop the stream of urine, you are doing Kegels.  These exercises can be done anywhere and without anyone knowing.  Simply doing these exercises a few times a day can help improve stress incontinence. 


There are also devices that can be placed in the vagina that can stimulate the muscles around the bladder neck.  These devices have also been shown to improve stress incontinence.  Another option is to use a pessary to help support the bladder neck.  A pessary is a rubber device that is placed in the vagina and offers support.  These are left in place and removed weekly to be cleaned.


If these methods have been exhausted or you do not want to try them, there are surgical options. There are different possibilities but they all help support the bladder neck and prevent leakage.  As with any surgery, there are some risks involved.  


As a final thought, don’t be embarrassed to talk to your doctor.  We are here to help and want to assist in providing you with the best quality of life possible.



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Dr. Aldon Corle, Jr., OB/Gyn

Utica Park Clinic – Owasso

10512 N. 110th East Ave., Suite 200

Owasso, OK  74055

