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Seeking parents - YCO


03/12/2018 – YouthCare of Oklahoma has two foster care programs. They do Therapeutic Foster Care, as well as  Traditional Foster Care.

Therapeutic Foster Care is for kids with a higher level of need. Some may have more behavioral issues. They are seeking parents who have a special skill set, or are willing to learn through  training on how to help children with a high levels of needs.

The family will get therapeutic services in the home and additional support to help these children. Age range is 6-17.

Traditional Foster Care is for traditional kids. Children range in ages from age range is 0-17, and foster parents will receive daycare assistance.

If you would like more information about becoming a Foster Parent, visit http://ycotfc.com/ or call  1-866-926-6552.

YouthCare of Oklahoma is an outpatient, behavioral health company that has served children, families and adults throughout the state since 1995. With their humble roots in Western Oklahoma, YouthCare has grown to support twenty-five offices throughout Oklahoma with a staff of 250 mental health professionals.